Lend A Bone is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit dog rescue located in Tucson, Arizona.
At Lend a Bone Rescue we are focused on helping reduce and eliminate the amount of dogs euthanized in every single year in arizona and southern california. Lend a Bone rescues dogs that are at risk for euthanasia FOR BOTH behavioral and medical reasons. Lend a bone also provides food and several forms of assistance to low-income/homeless pet owners in our community.
Lend a Bone rescue does our best to pull from overcrowded rural shelters in arizona and california, that are underfunded, over crowded, and need the most help.
No matter the breed, the medical situation, or the age, we will help the dog!
We rescue to help the dogs who constantly get overlooked obtain their second chance at life that they all deserve. We want nothing more for our rescues but for them to have the best lives possible. they'll always have a home with us & we promise to never give up on any of our rescues.
All dogs are worth saving!
At Lend A Bone, we are dedicated to helping rescue dogs find a forever home. All donations help us keep our furry rescues well taken care of. We take donations in many forms even in used dog items such as beds, bowls, blankets. You can also donate items through our Amazon wish-list where it will be shipped directly to us! We're so thankful for all the support we receive as we can't do what we do without you!
Are you looking to adopt or foster one of your pups? If so, YAY! You are amazing and we will be more than happy to get things going for you. Please see us in store or message us through the contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for helping us in our rescue mission!
We want you to be able to meet up with your potential pupper before you take them home for good. Please email us at or on instagram at @lendabone if you are interested in meeting any of our adoptable rescues. Or to fast track the process, fill out an adoption application and our director will reach out to you directly to set up a meet and greet with the pup of your choice.
Adopt a Pair: Oso and Duckie!
“I have 5 dogs of my own, so I was hesitant to foster, but after discussing it over, we took them in. I honestly was regretting this after the first few days, as they wanted nothing to do with anyone. But then after a few more days, both started to follow my dogs, and learned from them that we weren’t so bad. We still could not come to them. We had to stay still and let them come to us when they were ready. This is very important to take into mind if you adopt them. If you try to force things, you will only drive them away. Let them do things on their terms and when they are ready. With the help of my dogs, being patient, and treats, they opened up a lot more. Oso being first.
Oso is very untrusting of people he does not know. He will still bark at my brother when he enters a room but he never attacks, NEVER. Oso runs away, as he is truly still a scared puppy at heart. The only sign of aggression Oso shows is if one of my dogs tries to take a bone. After a month or 2, Oso started to come out of his shell. He still has his scared moments, but he is truly the biggest goofball I have ever raised. He is medium energy and absolutely loves to play and he plays hard when he does. He is the favorite playmate for ALL 6 other dogs in the house, my 5, and then Duckie. My dogs are 3 Huskies and 2 German Shepards. Oso, makes me laugh more than any dog I've had. He will run inside from playing outside with the other dogs, run up to us, and then place his paw on a shoulder and look at you with the biggest smile on his face. He now wants to cuddle and get belly rubs for being a good boy. One thing he does to show affection is what I call "nibble you". It feels like a weird massge. We think it's him trying to show you affection, but I find it funny overall. He prefers sleeping with someone, but is also totally fine hanging out with himself and Duckie in the living room as well, but once he bonds with someone he really wants to be around them as much as possible. Oso is an upbeat, happy, good boy. That truly made me glad I decided to foster, and if I didn't have a full house of dogs already, I would have adopted them 6 months ago. I have had them since late June. Oso was a challenge for me, but once we got him being himself, I fell in love with him and will miss him dearly when he is adopted. He’s a sweetheart and just wants to be safe. If you are interested, please message Lend A Bone, and I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about him.
Duckie was faster to warm up to people than Oso, but she was also more challenging to deal with. Duckie has developed into an extremely sweet and lovely dog, but she took almost 6 months to get that way fully. After about a month, Duckie would come to us for attention and stuff, but I never got the sense that she really loved being around us. Plus when she first joined my pack, she caused a couple of small fights that were mostly noise, but did did get a couple of minor wounds in the process. We had to keep an eye on her when she was eating and having a bone or a toy because she would be possessive. It was so bad that we had to have Lend-A-Bone take Duckie while we went on vacation because we could not fully trust her to not get in a fight. They put her in a boarding facility for a few days, and she did not do well there. But when they brought her back to my house, she became a different dog. When she realized who I was, she started to cry in happiness and did so for about 5 minutes. So, I was extremely grateful to be back where she felt safe. Duckie has 2 safe spots in my house that she can get to almost anytime, and she will be left alone completely. Those help her when she is anxious. Since we came back from vacation, she does not really use them except for naps now. Now, when any of us 3 come home, she will be crying and jumping on my other dogs to try to say hi to us first. She now comes when called about 90% of the time (she used to run if you called for her). She sits pretty for her treats and will paw at you when she wants attention or belly rubs. Duckie is pretty laid back and at heart is a very good girl with a kind and loving heart. She also does not fight with the other dogs. She will join in on play time with the others, but prefers Oso above everyone except maybe her favorite person at the time. She knows when it's bedtime and B-lines it to a room when the lights start going out. She prefers dog beds to sleep in but will sleep on a bed if you help her up. Duckie was one of the most difficult dogs I have ever raised (keep in mind I raised 3 Huskies from puppies) but seeing how loving, affectionate, happy, and open she has become with us brings a smile to my face. Once you bond with her, she will be a perfect best friend.
I have grown to love these 2 dearly. I am extremely thankful I chose to foster them. They have made my home a more fun and enjoyable play every day. They both do well with kids. I have Nephews ages 8 and 6, and they are great with them. Oso is a favorite of theirs in particular, but they love Duckie too. I wanted to be as open an honest as I could, so you will know what to expect, but if you give them time, they will open up and reward you with one of the best friends you'll ever have. I do recommend they stay together. Oso would do fine on his own eventually, but I think Duckie would be lost without Oso. She looks to him for guidance and safety when she is scared or unsure of things. These 2 were found as street puppies in Nogales, and it shows, but if you treat them with love, and give them time to be sure of you as I have, I am sure you will have made one of the best decisions ever by taking them into your home! ” - Osos and Duckie's Foster